Image search results - "T-class" |

100603 895463 viewsParkeston, SCT's 3MP9 service operating from Melbourne to Perth with EDI Downer built EMD model GT46C-ACe unit SCT 007 'Geoff (James Bond) Smith' serial 97-1731 leading SCT 002 and 74 waggons for 5674 tonnes and 1782.1 metres in length. 1336 hrs on the 3rd of June 2010.

100603 895965 viewsParkeston, SCT's 3MP9 service operating from Melbourne to Perth with EDI Downer built EMD model GT46C-ACe unit SCT 007 'Geoff (James Bond) Smith' serial 97-1731 leading SCT 002 and 74 waggons for 5674 tonnes and 1782.1 metres in length. 1336 hrs on the 3rd of June 2010.

100603 896055 viewsParkeston, SCT's 3MP9 service operating from Melbourne to Perth with EDI Downer built EMD model GT46C-ACe unit SCT 002 as second unit with serial number 97-1726. Consist was74 waggons for 5674 tonnes and 1782.1 metres in length. 1336 hrs on the 3rd of June 2010.

101-21360 viewsDonald loco depot, broad gauge V/Line locos T class Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B, G class Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS and Y class Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B.

101-25207 viewsDonald loco depot, broad gauge V/Line T class T 370 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 64-325.

101-27251 viewsDonald, V/Line Freightgate, rail tractors RT class RT 53 and RT 7, RT 7 originally built new by the Victorian Railways at Newport Workshops in October 1957 and issued to Terang. RT 53 was converted from a I class waggon by Ballarat North Workshops in October 1975.

103-30200 viewsBenalla station yard, broad gauge V/Line T class loco T 403 with serial 67-498 a Clyde Engineering Granville NSW built EMD model G18B, LHS view from rear.

105-06425 viewsWallan station platform, V/Line broad gauge T class T 410 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-626 roars past the up platform with the up Wodonga oil train 9224 at 1845 hrs, Plasser tamper in back road.

105-35233 viewsSeymour loco depot, ex-V/Line broad gauge T class T 357 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 61-242, still in VR livery under SRHC ownership.

105-36188 viewsSeymour loco depot turntable roads, broad gauge 2nd series Victorian Railways T class T 357 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 61-242 under SRHC ownership.

106-13343 viewsSeymour, rationalised yard overview with V/Line broad gauge S class S 310 'George Higinbotham' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 60-227 and T class T 400 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 67-495 with stabled down Wodonga goods train 9303.

106-15336 viewsSeymour, rationalised yard, V/Line broad gauge T class T 400 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 67-495, stabled down Wodonga goods 9303, side view.

106-22359 viewsSeymour loco depot, V/Line broad gauge T class loco T 408 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-624, side view, with stabled ballast train.

106-23318 viewsSeymour loco depot, V/Line broad gauge T class loco T 408 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-624, with stabled ballast train.

106-24349 viewsSeymour loco depot, V/Line standard gauge T class T 411 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-627 with a short stabled standard gauge ballast train with two VZMF type bogie ballast waggons.

106-25416 viewsSeymour loco depot, Aresco built 0-4-0 rail tractor RT class RT 46 an Aresco Trak Chief built in 1966, this loco used to shunt the APM plant north of Broadford at McDougall, and prior to that at the Morwell Briquette Sidings. This unit has a Fordson 590E engine for 90 hp (67 kW).

106-26398 viewsSeymour loco depot, turntable pit, V/Line standard gauge Y class Y 102 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 63-292, and broad gauge CM class bogie parcel van CM 10 and rail tractors RT class RT?? and RT??

106-27342 viewsSeymour loco depot turntable and pit, V/Line standard gauge Y class Y 102 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 63-292, turntable, gantry and pit, loco shed, rail tractor RT class and Aresco Trak Chief RT 46, wheel sets at right.

107-30193 viewsEchuca Freightgate canopy, V/Line broad gauge RT class rail tractor RT 52.

107-31198 viewsEchuca Freightgate canopy, V/Line broad gauge VLCX type bogie louvre van VLCX 328 and RT class rail tractor RT 52.